
[Alternate] BB Ocean, Stavanger, Norway 2014

ALTERNATE image processing: We saw several such oil service ships in Stavanger.

The original, posted to Happy Fence Friday, seemed a bit too "blue" to me. So, off to GIMP again, to see about some color manipulation.

I hope that this image is a bit "warmer". It should be noted that I was trying new camera setups when these photos were taken, and this might be one where the "default" color temperature was set in my Nikon D700 camera. I have noted that many photos from that time period were, by default, cast with more blue than I like to see.

HOWEVER, the ship still looks "pink", much as in the original photo. You can see the "pinkness" when contrasting the hull color with the red of the safety gear, and international "orange" of the life ring near the pilot house.

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Phil Sutters said:

This version seems far to yellow to me. In the photos of this vessel I have seen the superstructure is white not cream.
I do like 'working' ships as opposed to carriers of cargoes or people.
2 years ago

Robert Swanson replied to Phil Sutters:

Thanks for the note. I am starting to think that the color balance offered by this image was too hard to control. As noted, I was trying different settings on the camera, and I think that I set the "white balance" into some strange territory. I was, as you note, able to increase the color temperature of the original to reach this view, but probably went too far. When one color seemed right, others (such as the superstructure you mention) were not.

We have taken many cruises and always try to take photos of the ships in port. From the big container ship to the smaller support vessel. I'll try to post more of them in the future.
2 years ago