
Autumn O06 A Large Ant hill in Grib Forest.

Old photo. Was taken using my Canon AF35 roll film camera, the negatives where later converted to digital in jpg format by Agfa Labs in Sweden.
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Stormlizard said:

Thank you Steve.
6 years ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Wow can you imagine how many ants there are in that hill? They would be walking about where everyone is standing too
6 years ago

Stormlizard replied to Jenny McIntyre:

Yes Jenny I can as I have seen many such hills at other times of the year.
Certainly not a place to sit eating 'Jam sarnies' during a picnic.
6 years ago

╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:

This Lovely image was viewed in my favourite group
Thank you for posting in Vigilant Photographers Unite
6 years ago

Stormlizard replied to ╰☆☆June☆☆╮:

Thank you june.
You are welcome.
6 years ago