
Somehow we survived 2022

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Frans Schols said:

De beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar.
18 months ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre replied to Frans Schols:

Hetzelfde voor jou ook Frans. Ik hoop dat je een geweldig nieuwjaar hebt.
18 months ago ( translate )

Gracie said:

One more down!
18 months ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre said:

Yes they seem to come with increasing regularity and I swear they are coming more quickly.
18 months ago

Pat Del said:

May beautiful flowers bloom again in your life !
18 months ago

Jenny McIntyre replied to Pat Del:

Thank you so much for these lovely words Pat. I do hope you have a wonderful 2023
18 months ago

Rosemma said:

On finit toujours par rebondir (!)
18 months ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre replied to Rosemma:

Oui, nous le faisons, mais combien de fois devons-nous le faire ?
18 months ago ( translate )