Oh Danielle, tu es si gentille de dire ça. Je n'habille plus l'arbre comme avant, car je ne peux pas rester debout longtemps, alors mon assistante Emily le fait pour moi. Je te souhaite un bon week end.
In my family we have a habit of buying a Christmas ball in the place where we are on summer vacation. It is a very diverse tree with balls from many countries and without any aesthetic relationship. Have a nice weekend Jenny.
Yo también solía comprar un adorno cada vez que me iba de vacaciones. Miro el árbol y recuerdo de dónde lo saqué; me trae recuerdos maravillosos. También te deseo un buen fin de semana, Anton.
Gracie said:
Jenny McIntyre replied to Gracie:
Fred Fouarge said:
Jenny McIntyre replied to Fred Fouarge:
Danielle said:
Jenny McIntyre replied to Danielle:
Anton Cruz Carro said:
Jenny McIntyre replied to Anton Cruz Carro:
Petar Bojić said:
Jenny McIntyre replied to Petar Bojić: