
Solothurn, Schweiz

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Ulrich John said:

Cool !
2 months ago

Max Biobauer said:

Echt cool!:)
2 months ago ( translate )

Nicolas Mertens said:

What a style it was!
8 weeks ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

RED as RED can be.
8 weeks ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Awesome capture! Love the red dominance! A real classic!
8 weeks ago

Annemarie said:


have a great week
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Don Sutherland said:

Truly stunning.
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Ruth Gadient said:

Wow.. sieht echt cool aus, grossartige Perspektive!!
7 weeks ago

John FitzGerald said:

6 weeks ago ( translate )

Denis Croissant said:

It had to be red!
6 weeks ago