
in Dortmund

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The Limbo Connection said:

This is an empty car park? And there is a little glass hut, in a car park? For what purpose, one wonders?
I would have definitely photographed this, just because it's so enigmatic. I'd probably have pictured it from every angle (tell us you did that too).
7 weeks ago

stapel replied to The Limbo Connection:

Es ist ein Unterstand für die Zigarettenraucher in dem Telekom Bürogebäude nebenan. Die dürfen im Büro nicht rauchen und müssen dafür nach draußen, aber eben nicht in den Regen.
Und nein, ich habe keine weiteren Fotos aus anderen Blickwinkeln gemacht.
7 weeks ago ( translate )

The Limbo Connection replied to stapel:

Thank you for the extra information. It would make a good picture to photograph the shelter with a few smokers gathered underneath. Possibly that would be a bit provocative though.
6 weeks ago

William Sutherland said:

Superb night shot!
6 weeks ago

Albrecht Girle said:

5 weeks ago ( translate )