A stroll around St Aidan's nature park a lot of big lenses.
St Aidan's is a 355 hectare nature park located between Leeds and Castleford in West Yorkshire, England. The land was formerly an opencast coal mining area that was flooded in 1988, after the riverbank collapsed. Repairs and remediation required their own Act of Parliament to allow the necessary works to go ahead

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David G Johnson said:
[ Added to Landscape group ] Thanks,.....
TOZ replied to David G Johnson:
Regards TOZ
Jaap van 't Veen said:
TOZ replied to Jaap van 't Veen:
Regards TOZ
Günter Klaus said:
Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,liebe Grüße Güni :))
TOZ replied to Günter Klaus:
Regards TOZ
Herb Riddle said:
Cheers and thanks for sharing with our UK Landscape Photography Group , Herb
TOZ replied to Herb Riddle:
Regards Gordon
Keith Burton said:
Nice to see the bird spotters and photographers about!
I used to hump around long lenses like that, but not nowadays as they're far to heavy. I do miss them though!
TOZ replied to Keith Burton:
Regards TOZ