
The path up Teide.

The walk-up trail called Montaña Blanca is the most used way to climb Teide. This classic route has a distance of 8.8 kilometers and an accumulated slope of more than 1,390 meters, so the trail has a high degree of difficulty and is only recommended to those people with a good physical condition.
It was a 5 hour climb.
Copied from an old slide.
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Stephan Fey said:

Good job, Gordon!
7 weeks ago ( translate )

TOZ replied to Stephan Fey:

Thank you Stephan.
Regards TOZ
6 weeks ago

David G Johnson said:

Good memories Gordon,. I'll bet you enjoyed the adventure,. we did the summit in 1981,. our hire bike ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere ! - I'd assumed it was filled up - luckily we could free wheel, miles downhill to fill up at La Orotava'..// Cheers and keep well - from Dj.

[ Added to group ] Thanks...
7 weeks ago

TOZ replied to David G Johnson:

Thank you David.
Regards TOZ
6 weeks ago

Annemarie said:

Happy Sunday!
7 weeks ago ( translate )

TOZ replied to Annemarie:

Thank you Annemarie.
Regards TOZ
6 weeks ago

Herb Riddle said:

So you managed to climb Teide. A very impressive feat, especially if you did not use the cable-car that was probably installed later. The slide has converted well. Good job!

Cheers. Herb
7 weeks ago

TOZ replied to Herb Riddle:

Thank you Herb.
Climbed it in 1970 then by the cable car in 1980.

Regards TOZ
6 weeks ago

Günter Klaus said:

Da zeigst du einen wunderbaren Weitblick lieber TOZ,toll dass du das geschafft hast :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Abend,liebe Grüße Güni :))
6 weeks ago ( translate )

TOZ replied to Günter Klaus:

Thank you Guni.
Regards TOZ
6 weeks ago