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Lucette said:
Misou 49 replied to Lucette:
Misou 49 replied to :
natur' ELLE said:
Misou 49 replied to natur' ELLE:
Pierrot said:
Misou 49 replied to Pierrot:
mARTin Piché said:
Misou 49 replied to mARTin Piché:
Misou 49 said:
Lucette said:
bonne soirée Misou
bisous .
Misou 49 replied to Lucette:
Bonne semaine Lucette .
Bisous .
Misou 49 replied to :
Bonne semaine .
natur' ELLE said:
bon dimanche Michèle bisous !
Misou 49 replied to natur' ELLE:
Pour toi aussi .
Bisous Annick .
Pierrot said:
Misou 49 replied to Pierrot:
Bonne semaine .
mARTin Piché said:
Misou 49 replied to mARTin Piché:
Misou 49 said:
Mais : belle ! belle !comment tu le sais ???(mdr!!!!)