

Slide-rule in Wilkinson's Jam Museum, Tiptree, Essex
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Roland Platteau said:

oui, au fait! est-ce que ça se fait encore, des règles à calcul? Maintenant avec les calculatrices de poche, ça va disparaître ?
Et les tables de logarithmes, est-ce que ça se fait encore?
16 years ago ( translate )

Adam * said:

Yes, it's extraordinary. When I was at school, we used only logarithmic tables and slide-rules. The pocket calculator was unknown, and computers were the stuff of very large organisations only. It was only in about 1974 that I received my first pocket calculator - a Casio - but a very large pocket would have been required to carry it about! Today, one can only buy slide-rules in antique shops!
16 years ago