
Hungry Snapdragon

I had originally chosen a different motif for my contribution to the World Photography Day, but decided on this image because of the fear and disgust many people feel towards spiders.

The bumblebee in the snapdragon is one of the few insect species I was able to discover this summer. The rapid decline of insect diversity in many places is frightening. Birds are disappearing with them, etc.
Is this due to climate change? I don't think so.
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Nicole Merdrignac said:

Superbes photo et couleurs . Bon mercredi. Nicole .
6 months ago ( translate )

* ઇଓ * replied to Nicole Merdrignac:

Merci beaucoup, Nicole.
Bon jeudi à toi.
6 months ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus said:

Ja,ich merke auch bei mir,dass es immer wneiger INsekten gibt liebe * ઇઉ * ,ich sehe wohl mehrere Arten,aber in kleinerer Anzahl,deine Hummel hat es in der Blüte sehr genossen,schön hast du diesen Moment aber aufgenommen :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,liebe Grüße Güni :))
6 months ago ( translate )

* ઇଓ * replied to Günter Klaus:

Man's thoughtless and reckless interventions in nature are taking their toll, revealing once again the inescapable principle of cause and effect. I know of no other living creature that destroys its own natural basis of life. And yet, man considers himself the most intelligent being on this planet.
If only we all could and would want to understand the language of nature and act accordingly. In the end, all that remains is the principle of hope and all that each of us can do in our daily lives to avert the worst…

Many thanks, Günter.
Enjoy your life anyway. :)
6 months ago

Xata said:

Inlife I am only afraid of elines due to a bad experience as child. Spiders, bees, snakes, bugs etc are my friends. Our species is destroying them, not climate change (but aren't we responsible for a great percent in climate change?).
Here in my deserted area (uphills in Penedos and around) insects, birds, snales, mongeese, foxes and others are desappearing at a scary speed year after year...
Love your photo and message conveyed.
6 months ago

* ઇଓ * replied to Xata:

Dear Isabel, I know and appreciate your deep connection to nature.

We are in complete agreement about the destruction of biodiversity and the human impact on climate change.

Sometimes I think that our descendants will only know many of the animal and plant species that we have destroyed from photos or movies. Isn't that sad? It gives WPD a whole new meaning, doesn't it?

I am glad that you love my photo and the message it conveys, and thank you very much.

Please accept my deep and sincere appreciation for your contribution to WPD this year in this way, as it is not possible for me to express it in your gallery. I love both , 'Sunrising on Thirsty Land', and Thirsty Land Poetry'. Both pictures are very evocative and just dreamlike. But 'Thirsty Land Poetry' is an exceptional subject and a masterpiece in the play of light, structure, and depth of field.
6 months ago

Don Sutherland said:

Super shot.
6 months ago

Pierre Pasqualini said:

Une superbe et originale prise!
6 months ago ( translate )

sea-herdorf said:

Anfangs des Frühlings gab es auch bei uns wenig Insekten.
Ich hatte schon Sorge meine Tomaten und Paprika würden nicht bestäubt.
Mit den Trockenphasen kamen dann immer mehr.
Sehr schön gezeigt.
Schöne Grüße
6 months ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Excellent capture and details!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
6 months ago ( translate )

raingirl said:

I very much enjoy this photo. The brightness of the colors is such a draw. You obviously have an interest in photographing insects - why do you think that is? Did you investigate bugs as a child?

I'm sorry that you felt the need to try and please others with your contribution. What you are interested in and what you like to photograph or think about photography is what I hope people will share. I'm one of those people who are not into spider photos - but I would have enjoyed seeing what you had done with such a photo, and it would help me get to know you more.

At any rate, I'm happy you thought about the day and have shared our group experience.

Happy Belated World Photography Day.
6 months ago

Schussentäler said:

sehr schön hast du diese Hummel beim Naschen erwischt mit der Kamera
6 months ago ( translate )

Annaig56 said:

magnifique macro colorée a souhait ...
6 months ago ( translate )

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Un tout merveilleux, bravo !++++++++++
6 months ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus replied to * ઇଓ *:

Da hast du total Recht liebe * ઇઉ *,wenn man immer wieder beobachtet,wie die Menschen mit der Natur umgehen und alles liegen lassen,dabei lernt uns die Natur so viel,aber der Mensch will das nicht akzeptieren :))

LIebe Grüße Güni :))
6 months ago ( translate )