Hello dear Füsun. Our friendship is very special, especially so in the context of recent violent and political events. I grieve with each horror event in Turkey. I grieve when narcissistic megalomaniacs are elected in democracies, and when people are manipulated by fear.
Sincerest greetings of love from my corner of the world.
Thank you so much for your friendship!! It is always very special for me!!
The problem is just like you said!
Some narcissistic megalomaniacs in democracies!
gezginruh said:
Warm greetings
Ian Stehbens said:
Sincerest greetings of love from my corner of the world.
Ian (and Margaret)
gezginruh said:
Thank you so much for your friendship!! It is always very special for me!!
The problem is just like you said!
Some narcissistic megalomaniacs in democracies!
Loving greetings to you and to Margaret!