
A ''Heavy fence Friday'' to all - from > Dj,... [P.I.P]

There sure is some heavy material in that there bin,.. snapped during February 2011.. at Rowsley near Bakewell.

A ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone on 'iper' and 'Good Wishes' too - from David J.
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Dimas Sequeira said:

A fence becomes overload victim! HFF, David!
3 months ago

Joe, Son of the Rock said:

I love the foreground interest created by the fence and its shadow, David. All the best, Joe
3 months ago

LotharW said:

HFF, David und ein schönes Wochenende, Bleib gesund.
3 months ago ( translate )

bonsai59 said:

HFF, David! Realy heavy! - Have a easy weekend!
3 months ago ( translate )

Nicolas Mertens said:

The dog poop did it!
3 months ago

Annemarie said:

nice find David

Wish you a good Friday and weekend!
3 months ago

Gudrun said:

Ouch, that took some doing;-) HFF and a good weekend!
3 months ago

Stephan Fey said:

A not so happy fence! HFF, David!
3 months ago

Schussentäler said:

Das freut mich richtig,
Ich wünsche dir ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende
3 months ago ( translate )

Karl Hartwig Schütz said:

Ohhhhh! HFF Dir!
3 months ago

Makrofan said:

HFF und ein schönes Wochenende, David!
3 months ago ( translate )

bml said:

Offensichtlich stellen Hundehaufen ein gewichtiges Problem dar. ;-)
3 months ago ( translate )

Xata said:

Is dog poo so heavy? LOL !
HFF David, you made me laugh.
3 months ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Has someone also put the dog in the bin?
Nice find and capture David, HFF and a great weekend.
3 months ago

Don Sutherland said:

Great shot.
3 months ago