The 'world renowned' ,. 'blue cord',.. a handy gate opener,. at 'Hardwick old hall'
The main gate into 'Hardwick old hall' and a length of blue cord is a handy puller for the latch.
The 'old hall' 1580s has undergone a five years restoration programme and is now re-opened to visitors. A very mindful restoration in order to leave much of the original work in place
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Taken on Sunday September 3, 2023
Posted on Monday September 4, 2023
- 74 visits
- 4 people like
Xata said:
David G Johnson replied to Xata:
but for now,....... .. ''Blue cord saves the day''.....( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Keith Burton said:
David G Johnson replied to Keith Burton: