
Cabo da Roca, Portugal

The Lighthouse
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Don Sutherland said:

Very beautiful lighthouse.
3 months ago

Paulo Moreira replied to Don Sutherland:

Thank you, Don Sutherland.
3 months ago

William Sutherland said:

Magnificent shot and shadow!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
3 months ago

Paulo Moreira replied to William Sutherland:

Thank you, William Sutherland.
3 months ago

Pam J said:

3 months ago

Paulo Moreira replied to Pam J:

Agree, Pam.
3 months ago ( translate )

Dominique Sarrazin said:

Superbe prise de vue, j'aime beaucoup cette ambiance seul au monde !
3 months ago ( translate )

Paulo Moreira replied to Dominique Sarrazin:

Merci, Dominique.
3 months ago ( translate )