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LotharW said:
Nick Weall replied to LotharW:
Amelia said:
Nick Weall replied to Amelia:
William Sutherland said:
Nick Weall replied to William Sutherland:
gezginruh said:
Nick Weall said:
Peter_Private_Box said:
Nick Weall replied to Peter_Private_Box:
Sarah O' said:
Nick Weall replied to Sarah O':
Patrick Brandy said:
Nick Weall replied to Patrick Brandy:
Annemarie said:
LotharW said:
Nick Weall replied to LotharW:
Amelia said:
HFF dear Nick. I hope you have not been inundated.
Nick Weall replied to Amelia:
William Sutherland said:
Nick Weall replied to William Sutherland:
gezginruh said:
HFF and have a great weekend!
Best wishes
Nick Weall said:
Peter_Private_Box said:
A wonderful and interesting picture, which I like very much!
Great colours and mood in this nice composition.
Certainly a very special sky!!!!!
Best Wishes, HFF, a nice week ahead, and stay safe!!
Nick Weall replied to Peter_Private_Box:
Sarah O' said:
Nick Weall replied to Sarah O':
Patrick Brandy said:
Nick Weall replied to Patrick Brandy:
Annemarie said: