Yes here too, trickles have become more like tidal bores. At least it's nice today as I have a lot of washing to hang out.
HFF dear Nick, and I hope you have good weather next week. Our trip to Scotland was cut short because of stormy weather.
Welcome home ~~~ I'm sorry to read that your trip was cut short dear LGM, what a pity. At least you can get the washing out today. So far we have escaped the worst of whatever storm swept in from the west, and the forecast is good for the next few days. I hope that it stays sunny fo you as well. ~~~
gezginruh said:
Wonnderfully captured,dear Nick!
HFF and have a nice sunny weekend!
Best greetings
Nick Weall replied to gezginruh:
Amelia said:
HFF dear Nick, and I hope you have good weather next week. Our trip to Scotland was cut short because of stormy weather.
Nick Weall said:
Stephan Fey said:
Nick Weall replied to Stephan Fey:
Herb Riddle said:
HFF, enjoy the weekend. Herb
Nick Weall replied to Herb Riddle:
Xata said:
HFF Nick
Nick Weall replied to Xata:
Hi Xata I Hope that you get some water soon ~ Hanwwe
Annemarie said:
beautiful image
Nick Weall replied to Annemarie:
Angelofruhr said:
Nick Weall replied to Angelofruhr:
Christa1004 said: