Hi dear LGM the dog belongs to Lucy & Luke and is called Luna. She is a Portuguese Water Dog (see link above for more details) ~ Have a good weekend and stay very safe ~~~
Doing well for fences there Nick :-) Thank you for the link. What a lovely dog. Must take a lot of grooming when the hair grows. The same name as my daughter's dog, Luna!
Hi Nick
You have found a very different and interesting picture this week.
I like it very much!
Fantastic colours too
I like the way you lined up the word 'Funnel' on the ship into the gap!
Best Wishes, HFF, a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
Hey dear Nick... a great shot here, Im assuming this is some family here , I think Isobel and others, a great HFF shot for sure. well done, have a great weekend Nick, HUGS, Sarah
Amelia said:
HFF dear Nick, and stay safe and well.
Nick Weall replied to Amelia:
Herb Riddle said:
HFF, HANW too. Herb
Nick Weall replied to Herb Riddle:
Rosalyn Hilborne said:
Take care and have a good weekend ~ Rosa.
Nick Weall replied to Rosalyn Hilborne:
Fred Fouarge said:
Nick Weall replied to Fred Fouarge:
Andy Rodker said:
Nick Weall replied to Andy Rodker:
Peter_Private_Box said:
You have found a very different and interesting picture this week.
I like it very much!
Fantastic colours too
I like the way you lined up the word 'Funnel' on the ship into the gap!
Best Wishes, HFF, a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
Nick Weall replied to Peter_Private_Box:
Ste said:
Wishing you an HFF and hope you have a good weekend.
Best wishes and stay safe.
Sarah O' said:
gezginruh said:
Plenty of fences and some family ...Lovely composition!
Belated HFF and have a great weekend!
Best wishes