

More trumpet vine! Algete Street Scene 24.
The first photo from my new mobile phone. I'm going to need a lot of study and practice, so please bear with me!
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Annemarie said:

12 months ago ( translate )

Andy Rodker replied to Annemarie:

Thank you, Annemarie!
12 months ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Striking colours in wonderful light Andy,
Excellent capture HFF and a good weekend.
12 months ago

Jenny McIntyre said:

Well I think your new phone camera is brilliant and you are doing very well with it. The colours here are amazing, the orange really jumps out at you.
12 months ago

Andy Rodker said:

Thank you both!
Thw light was wonderful today. No editing necessary. I have that delight to come!
12 months ago

Ecobird said:

A lovely shot Andy. Beautiful colours and light. An excellent start with your phone camera. I don't seem able to get a good shot with mine, - my fault not the phone camera.

HFF and have a good weekend
12 months ago

Andy Rodker replied to Ecobird:

I've not lately used anything else, Carol. Back in the 80s I enjoyed my Pentax ME SLR and various lenses etc, but I've only got about 30 of those photos still extant and they've been shown to death.
12 months ago

Christa1004 said:

A wonderful another "trumpet fence";-) HFF Andy.
12 months ago

Andy Rodker replied to Christa1004:

Actually it's the same fence (as you well know!) taken a week or so later on my new cameraphone, Christa!
12 months ago

Eric Desjours said:

Belated HFF, Andy.
A lot of study and practice, indeed, but the first steps are promising! :-))
Nice WE to you!
12 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Un bel essai bien réussi, en attendant le reste.
HFFet Bon week-end.
12 months ago ( translate )

John FitzGerald said:

HFF, Andy,
12 months ago

Mario Vargas said:

Well done
12 months ago ( translate )

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

HFF Andy!
12 months ago

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbe image fleurie !
HFF Andy
12 months ago ( translate )