This Love Still Inspires Me
A pic from my note-book with my exercises of learning persian writting.
I have always thought that true-loves make flowers in many & unexpected aspects of our lives.
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Taken on Friday October 19, 2018
Posted on Sunday October 21, 2018
- 1 038 visits
- 28 people like
William Sutherland said:
Admired in:
My Awake Gottica (m.… said:
I was thinking about true-love versus fake-love, the first is the one that maintains a warm & protective fire along time, while the second is the flame that can burn us. The first helps us bloom in winter, while the second dries no matter how much we try to feed it up.
I'm feeling lucky to discover this. Heaven, thanks for this passion !!!
Malik Raoulda said:
Bon Dimanche.
Je viens de cette âme qui est à l’origine
de toutes les âmes...
Je suis de cette ville qui est la ville
de ceux qui sont sans ville...
Le chemin de cette ville n’a pas de fin...
Va, perds tout ce que tu as,
c’est cela qui Est Le Tout.
- Rûmi
My Awake Gottica (m.… replied to Malik Raoulda:
I feel emotional, many thanks for these sweet emotions.
Sun in Soul, dear Malik !!!
Boarischa Krautmo said:
Learning Persian to read Rumi without translation??
My Awake Gottica (m.… replied to Boarischa Krautmo:
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:
My Awake Gottica (m.… replied to ╰☆☆June☆☆╮:
Heidiho said:
Rumi in Farsi ! Auch wenn man es nicht lesen kann wirkt es allein durch die Gestaltung ausgesprochen poetisch.
My Awake Gottica (m.… replied to Heidiho:
Have a lovely sunday night !!!
Malik Raoulda replied to My Awake Gottica (m.…:
Excellente fin de semaine.
My Awake Gottica (m.… replied to Malik Raoulda:
.t.a.o.n. said:
My Awake Gottica (m.… replied to .t.a.o.n.:
I wish you Only the best !!!!!!!!
Belleuse said: