In the village 80% of us are over 70 years old. In 2063 we will no longer be there. Guess the village will “die” and this kind of gatherings will no more exist.
It's good to see the village come together but sad about the lack of younger people to carry it on, it may become mainly second homes which happens here. Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2025 Isabel
Guess the same everywhere, but maybe climate changes and other issues will one day make younger ones return to the inland far from urban monstruosities...
Best wishes for you too !
William Sutherland said:
Herb Riddle said:
Best Wishes for the New Year to all. Herbert
Xata replied to Herb Riddle:
Keith Burton said:
Xata replied to Keith Burton:
Peter Castell said:
Xata replied to Peter Castell:
Best wishes for you too !
Pam J said: