Mértola, Musicians
Popular musical instruments.
A sarronca, ronca ou zamburra é um membranofone friccionado, típico de Portugal. Este instrumento musical acompanhava tradicionalmente as cantigas de Natal alentejanas.
É constituído por um recipiente oco (pode ser uma lata, uma bilha, etc.) coberto por uma pele (pele de cabra ou borrego; em alternativa, bexiga de porco). O centro da pele é perfurado por uma vara de madeira, e o som é obtido movimentando a para de cima para baixo, de tal forma que a vara friccione a pele esticada.
Em 2020, a ronca de Elvas foi candidata ao concurso Sete Maravilhas de Portugal, chegando a finalista distrital, pelo distrito de Portalegre.
The sarronca, ronca or zamburra is a rubbed membranophone typical of Portugal. This musical instrument traditionally accompanied the Alentejo Christmas songs.
It consists of a hollow container (it can be a tin can, a jug, etc.) covered with a skin (goat or lamb skin; alternatively, a pig's bladder). The center of the skin is pierced by a wooden stick, and the sound is obtained by moving the skin from top to bottom, in such a way that the stick rubs against the stretched skin.
In 2020, the ronca de Elvas was a candidate for the Seven Wonders of Portugal competition, making it to the district finalist for the Portalegre district.
IN Spain it is called "zambombas"
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Filmed on Tuesday December 3, 2024
Posted on Sunday December 15, 2024
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Anton Cruz Carro said:
Xata replied to Anton Cruz Carro:
Ria V. said:
Xata replied to Ria V.:
Best wishes.
Edna Edenkoben said:
Xata replied to Edna Edenkoben:
William Sutherland said:
Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
Malik Raoulda said:
Bon dimanche paisible et salutaire.
tiabunna said:
Edna Edenkoben replied to Xata:
aNNa schramm said:
Viktor Jara !!!!
Brigada Victor Jara - "Moda da Zamburra" (Beira Baixa) do disco "Danças e Folias"
aNNa schramm replied to aNNa schramm:
Brummtopf. Oil painting by Molenaer, 17th century
"At Carnival, many a fool goes around and lets the Rommelpot growl for money (Op Vasten-avont Loopt menich Sotje Om duytjes gnorren op’t rommelpotje)".
The Brummtopf is known as a children's instrument in many European countries. The instrument is known as Rummelpott (Romelpot, Rummelpot) in northern Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark. During the Rummelpottlaufen on New Year's Eve (and also on St. Martin's Day), children go from house to house and sing songs that they accompany with homemade noise instruments, ask for sweets and wish each other luck.[2][3]
In Spain, children go from house to house in the nine days before Christmas and sing villancicos (Christmas carols) that are accompanied by a zambomba (the Spanish Rommelpot), guitar and tambourine.
Xata replied to aNNa schramm:
Keith Burton said:
A delightful short video Isabel.
Boarischa Krautmo said: