While fixing and eating our lunch at the top of Mount Si the Gray Jays, also known as Whiskey Jacks, came to investigate and we entertained ourselves and them by feeding them tidbits of food and taking their pictures and even by holding bits of food in our hands and letting them come and land on our hands and eat. Their boldness and interest in anything edible has earned them the name "Camp Robbers." Common in the mountains they are always fun to watch. This photo was taken with my wife's camera, but I took it.
A note for those who are interested. I've had two pictures in Explore recently, the first ones in a year, including a picture posted yesterday of Witch's Butter. I've duly noted that with the picture, but must say that for me Explore is meaningless. It certainly is the case that being in Explore has nothing whatever to do with the quality of a picture and that many of the photos are there because someone has learned to manipulate the formula that is used with the result that the Explore photos for a day include a lot of pictures of young girls in strange poses, big-eyed dolls, Lego toys, cop cars and other pictures that have no artistic merit or interest whatever. I no longer check to see if my photos are in Explore and usually find out because someone mentions it or because I receive an unusual number of favorites or views on a photo.
1 comment
Fizgig said: