
This is The Place

As a young teen in the "sixties", the fashion of the day was the source of many a young man's fantasies. Having just discovered the hidden mysteries of femininity were also treasures of pleasure even if only in my imagination, at that time. Long legs in high heels were a pathway – an arrow on a map. Directions to a destination. The promise of ultimate bliss. So we pondered, sought and lusted. To catch a glimpse of the smooth and tender skin that is revealed only to the most privileged and only on that special occasion. A prize awarded only to the most deserving. I wondered when will I be the one to reach that place.

for a better peek see the large version

Great photography requires dedication, time and effort.
But above all there are costs involved as well.
Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time,
are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist.

If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it.

To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below.

Vimeo.com/sollang/vod_pages The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand.
Please note: Contains Nudity

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1 comment

SOUL7 said:

liked the red knickers
5 years ago