Lightable mini- ferriswheel - signpost for "Hamburger Dom", our funfair at one of the entrances to Hamburg (at the end of Autobahn 255) at Bundesstraße 4 and 75.
The "Hamburger Dom" is the biggest and the longest fair throughout Germany, at tree times a year for about one month each. It attracts approximately ten million visitors annually (english wikipedia). Also it has a pretty long history, with beginnings in the 11th centaury. (+english and italiano).
At the left you can see a so called Litfaßsäule, a typical round german advertisement "wall" which was known in this style for around 160 years.ßsäule (some more languages).
Sami Serola (inactiv… said:
Wierd Folkersma said:
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… said: