
HFF at the police checkpoint barrier (fence)

My friend took this as I am in the picture. Travelling along the treacherous main road out through Baltistan in North Pakistan there are small 4WD tracks off into very remote and isolated valleys. At each of these turnoffs was a well manned police checkpoint and traffic stop. In case you do not know, Pakistan is one country where polio is still endemic. Why? Because in some isolated border areas are pockets of very hardline, uneducated Muslims who believe that polio vaccination is a plot to sterilise their children. So they kill polio vaccinators, who have to travel with police protection. In the first half of last year in the South of the country 16 vaccinators and police were killed and 34 injured. This is a polio checkpoint, and at each of them is a vaccinator ( in fluoro vest)who checks every vehicle as the police stop it, and vaccinates any unvaccinated children. I talked with a few, and at this stop, met the lady in the photo, a WHO doctor, Nadia Sultan, who is responsible for the rollout of the current vaccination program in all of North Pakistan.
I was in awe of her work!
My educated family lives in a different remote region of the North where the overall vaccination rate is the same as Sweden’s.

Have a fab Friday and a mild weathered weekend! ❤️
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Günter Klaus said:

Eine interessante Info ist das zu deinen schönen Bild liebe Diana,schön,dass ihr euch auch etwas ausgetauscht habt :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,liebe Grüße und eine herzliche Umarmung,Güni :))
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Stephan Fey said:

Hi Diana, nice to see you! Just saw a documentary about this a while ago. Medieval thinking. HFF and a good weekend!
8 weeks ago

Nouchetdu38 said:

Very interesting photo and comment!!!!!
Thanks for sharing Diana******
8 weeks ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Une superbe et excellente prise joliment partagée. Pour ce qui est de votre commentaire concernant ces musulmans très durs que j'appellerai des intégristes qui bravent Toutes les lois.A ma connaissance aucun pays musulman n'empêche de faire la vaccination de la Polio..Tuez des vaccinateurs est vraiment abject et ils ne méritent aucun pardon.
HFF et agréable semaine paisible et salutaire.
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Dominique Sarrazin said:

Belle démarche, que ne fait-on pas au nom de la religion !
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Dimas Sequeira said:

Nice group portrait! Incredible information about the heinous reaction of some ignorant people to vaccination programs! HFF, Diana!
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Keith Burton said:

Yes, a lovely photo and a fascinating narrative.

It's almost unbelievable that in this day and age, such beliefs still persist. The people who do the vaccinations and those that help them must be very dedicated and brave people.
8 weeks ago

Herb Riddle said:

A fascinating photo and story here Diana. We know that in several places of the world vaccinations are seen as a threat just look how many people believed that Covid vaccinations were a plot, even injecting miniature video capsules to spy on you -crazy! ~ Thanks a lot for sharing.

HFF, enjoy your weekend. Herb
8 weeks ago

Jean-louis Thiaudier… said:

La religion sert de prétexte pour tout !!
8 weeks ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Outstanding shot! HFF!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
8 weeks ago

Günter Diel said:

Ein sehr interessantes Bild und interessante Informationen. Gruß Günter
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Peter_Private_Box said:

Hi Diana,

Certainly a very interesting story.. What can we say about the beliefs of the peasant people. The numbers say it all...
I imagine that you are the one with the pink scarf!!
Best wishes HFF, a good weekend, and keep safe.
8 weeks ago

trester88 said:

In manchen Köpfen herrscht tiefstes Mittelalter. Wenn sie sich nicht impfen lassen wollen, müssen sie mit dem Problem leben. Aber sie sollen nicht diejenigen töten oder verletzen, die anderen etwas gutes tun.
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende, Diana!
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Christa1004 said:

Hard to believe that this still exists! Thanks for the interesting story, and nice to "meet" you with your pink scarf, Diana. HFF.
8 weeks ago

Loose_Grip/Pete said:

You look very much at home in the mountains. Never heard of a polio checkpoint before but a good idea as long as the locals don't start shooting.
HFF Diana. Have a great weekend.
8 weeks ago