In 1970, the famed "Peanuts" cartoonist Charles Shulz wrote a letter in response to one from a young boy. This was in a time of great societal upheaval in the USA, with student strikes, constant protests regarding the Viet Nam war, racial injustice, poverty and many other societal problems. His message is exactly what we need to remember - and not only here in the USA. Political wisdom comes from many places - and so does political folly. Source:
Sorry about the blurriness. It couldn't be helped.
polytropos said:
Yes, there are dark times coming to us this winter ....
Diane Putnam replied to polytropos:
Jean Paul Capdeville said:
Diane Putnam replied to Jean Paul Capdeville:
aNNa schramm replied to Jean Paul Capdeville:
Ronald Losure said:
Diane Putnam replied to Ronald Losure:
aNNa schramm said:
Diane Putnam replied to aNNa schramm: