A very tasty cheese I think called Liptauer but I could be wrong. My Mum bought it in the 70s for a while, then it stopped being imported into Britain - very small production anyway. It's still made because I looked it up when this question arose on Pano. I will try and do so again, assuming I have the name right.- another reason why I miss my notes, as well as the photos, on Pano. Thank you Google!
Andy Rodker said:
Diane Putnam replied to Andy Rodker:
Andy Rodker replied to Diane Putnam:
Ko Hummel said:
the "Old Amsterdammer" that is not realy old is les mild than the Gouda
Diane Putnam replied to Ko Hummel:
Leon_Vienna replied to Ko Hummel:
Andy Rodker replied to Andy Rodker:
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… said:
Diane Putnam replied to M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!…: