Then the one on the right can be called The Nob. It helps to differentiate them! (Not sure if Nob exists in Am. English but it is different to Knob which obviously does and which would appear to mean the same on both sides of The Pond!). Nob means someone posh but in a disparaging way.
Hope that helped.
Hahaha - well, it's good to know and, yes, it helped! I'm sure it's hard to believe, but I have lapses, especially after I've had a few. Thanks for keeping me on track, Andy!
Andy Rodker said:
Diane Putnam replied to Andy Rodker:
Heidiho said:
Diane Putnam replied to Heidiho:
Andy Rodker replied to Diane Putnam:
Hope that helped.
Keith Burton said:
Diane Putnam replied to Keith Burton:
Rosalyn Hilborne said:
Diane Putnam replied to Rosalyn Hilborne:
Diane Putnam replied to Andy Rodker: