
Andy Rodker - 2023

From Cornwall, England to Madrid, Spain, long time club member Andy Rodker shared his love for nature and his kind heart with all of us on ipernity.
Friend to so many of us here, Andy loved to take long walks and show us how nature inspired him.

Andy Rodker

Andy Rodker - image - Another stormy day! Or, a Midsummer Night's Dream! 640
Outside Madrid

Andy Rodker - Godrevy Lighthouse
Godrevy Lighthouse

Andy Rodker - image - most appreciated - Porthcadjack Cove, Cornwall north coast, heather and gorse 640
Porthcadjack Cove, Cornwall
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Tanja - Loughcrew said:

Danke für diesen ergreifenden Nachruf…

Du fehlst, Andy…mögest Du dort, wo Du jetzt bist,
die schönsten Berge erwandern, an den schönsten Klippen
stehen und im Garten Deiner Mutter die schönsten Blumen finden…
R.I.P. Andy…ein Teil von Dir bleibt bei uns ❤️
18 months ago ( translate )

Colin Ashcroft said:

We have lost one of the great ‘voices’ of Ipernity.
Andy introduced many people to others here.
We will all miss him.
RIP Andy.
18 months ago

Adele said:

Dear Andy, your beautiful pictures will not be forgotten and neither will your kindness and cheerfulness.
I will always remember your showing me the lighthouse on the Cornish coast which inspired Virginia Woolf and our talks, when in Panoramio and then here on IP.
May you keep on enjoying long walks and great views wherever you are. We will keep on following you in our memory.
R.I.P. Andy.
18 months ago

Amelia said:

No words.
18 months ago

Xata said:

No words to say how much I will miss our long chats and the planned hikes we will not perform.
Forever in my heart my great friend, rest in peace …
18 months ago

Erhard Bernstein said:

Andy, du fehlst! Mögest du in Frieden ruhen.

Meine Anteilnahme an die Familie und Freunde.
18 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Mes condoléances les plus sincères à toute sa famille et à tous ses proches. Il fut un grand ami qui nous faisait partager les beaux paysages et les magnifiques Sierras chargées de granite. Repose en paix et que Dieu vous bénisse.
18 months ago ( translate )

Nick Weall said:

Granite was his passion and in particular deepest Cornwall and Madrid walking the hills and mountains. The Cornish Coast was also a magnet to him and his daily offerings shared his world with us. I first discovered Andy on Panoramio a long time ago.

He had just received delivery of a brand new Camera Phone as mentioned in his last post that he hadn't the time to try it out yet.

So he will be likely to be walking with his new camera, taking pictures of granite trails near to his final resting place.

Farewell Andy
18 months ago

volker_hmbg said:

Werde ihn vermissen,
mein Beileid allen
Angehörigen und Freunden.
18 months ago ( translate )

Günter Klaus said:

Lieber Andy,du hast immer gerne die Berge und die Natur aufgesucht und diese Liebe dazu kam in deinen Aufnahmen immer sehr schön rüber,du wirst weiter hier unter uns sein und ich bin mir sicher,du wirst dir da oben einen schönen Platz aussuchen,um das auch weiterhin zu Genießen,du hast jetzt deinen Frieden gefunden lieber Andy :))

Auch mein aufrichtiges Beileid allen Angehörigen
18 months ago ( translate )

homaris said:

18 months ago ( translate )

Jocelyne Villoing said:

Adieu mon ami, je garderai longtemps dans mon souvenir l'amour de la nature que nous avons partagé pendant de longues années ici sur Ipernity, tes jolies balades dans les Cornouailles me faisaient tant rêver !

Repose en Paix Andy.

Mes plus sincères condoléances à ta chère famille et à tous tes amis.
18 months ago ( translate )

J.Garcia said:

Your beautiful photos from Cornwall and Sierra Cabrera
It was always a pleasure to see them and read the texts always very pleasant
Until forever, Andy
18 months ago

StoneRoad2013 said:

Rest in Peace, my friend.
I enjoy looking at your travels and images of nature, they make a very fine memorial.
My condolences to your family and friends.
18 months ago