Marta is the reason I am part of the ipernity community, as we knew each other from Flickr. Others were inviting me, but it was Mart who twisted my arm, so to speak. She was often on the forum there debating, always a voice of reason. I asked Marta to help me close some loop holes in learning my family tree / pedigree in Europe, because I knew that she was expert in cyber security and taught it at university. Well, in about two hours she came back with documentation of my family lineage back to the 1900's, and my family migration to America. The personality portrait of her for this memorial is very fitting, because I think it shows her attention to details, which was very much Marta in everything, even with her Catholic faith and praying, you can see this in her pictures. She was always very nice to me, yet very intentional and specific, not interested in bringing attention to herself. May she rest in peace.
CAT) La ciutat és tot brogit. Mentre escric això el sol entra de ple a casa. Però el brogit del carrer no para: els cotxes passen, sorollosos, travessant la meva cambra. Al carrer hi ha un home parlant amb el mòbil. La porta del carrer s’obre i algú puja per l’escala. Sento crits. Hi ha gent que corre. Un gos lladra un altre gos. Dos gats s’enriolen. Tot és soroll, però jo m’estic aquí davant la fotografia d’aquests arbres, d’aquests núvols, del riu... pensant en la Marta. Tan sols ens havíem escrit breument un parell de vegades. Fotografia analògica i en blanc i negre: arbres, camins, retrats, flors... Encara aprenc a mirar amb els ulls de la Marta. En el seu mirall em miro. En el seu mirall veig com la vida alena, però sento la seva absència.
FR) La ville bourdonne. Au moment où j'écris ceci, le soleil se déverse dans la maison. Mais le rugissement de la rue ne s'arrête pas : les voitures passent, bruyamment, dans ma chambre. Il y a un homme dans la rue qui parle sur son téléphone portable. La porte de la rue s'ouvre et quelqu'un monte les escaliers. J'entends des cris. Il y a des gens qui courent. Un chien aboie sur un autre chien. Deux chats rient. Tout est bruit, mais je me tiens ici devant la photo de ces arbres, ces nuages, la rivière... en pensant à Marta. Nous n'avions écrit que brièvement quelques fois. Photographie argentique et noir et blanc : arbres, chemins, portraits, fleurs... J'apprends encore à regarder à travers les yeux de Marta. Je me regarde dans son miroir. Dans son miroir je vois comme la vie respire, mais je ressens son absence.
EN) The city is buzzing. As I write this, the sun is pouring into the house. But the roar of the street does not stop: the cars pass, noisily, through my room. There is a man on the street talking on his cell phone. The street door opens and someone climbs the stairs. I hear screams. There are people running. A dog barks at another dog. Two cats laugh. Everything is noise, but I'm standing here in front of the photograph of these trees, these clouds, the river... thinking about Marta. We had only written briefly a couple of times. Analogue and black and white photography: trees, paths, portraits, flowers... I'm still learning to look through Marta's eyes. I look at myself in his mirror. In its mirror I see how life breathes, but I feel its absence.
I have only just seen this I'm afraid. I did wonder when she stopped posting. How very sad. I didn't know Marta personally but greatly appreciated her photo collection particularly the b/w pictures. RIP Marta.
Apprendre sa disparition si tard après son décès c'est navrant ... Il devrait y avoir une annonce officielle dans ces cas-là!Ne plus voir de photo postées peut aussi s'expliquer par un départ sur un autre site.... RIP ma chère Martha. Ton âme sait combien je suis navrée! et toutes mes condoléances à ta famille.
I had not heard that Marta had passed away. I am saddened to hear this news. I really enjoyed engaging with her here on Ipernity and will miss her and her photography greatly.
Tanja - Loughcrew said:
Frode said:
cp_u said:
Danke ans Team, dass Ihr diese Erinnerungen hier veröffentlicht!
Annemarie said:
I did not know........ so sad!
she was a great photoprapher, will allways remember her BW artistic photos.......and her humanity!
Karl Hartwig Schütz said:
Adele said:
Boarischa Krautmo said:
Pam J said:
Frank J Casella said:
homaris said:
FR) La ville bourdonne. Au moment où j'écris ceci, le soleil se déverse dans la maison. Mais le rugissement de la rue ne s'arrête pas : les voitures passent, bruyamment, dans ma chambre. Il y a un homme dans la rue qui parle sur son téléphone portable. La porte de la rue s'ouvre et quelqu'un monte les escaliers. J'entends des cris. Il y a des gens qui courent. Un chien aboie sur un autre chien. Deux chats rient. Tout est bruit, mais je me tiens ici devant la photo de ces arbres, ces nuages, la rivière... en pensant à Marta. Nous n'avions écrit que brièvement quelques fois. Photographie argentique et noir et blanc : arbres, chemins, portraits, fleurs... J'apprends encore à regarder à travers les yeux de Marta. Je me regarde dans son miroir. Dans son miroir je vois comme la vie respire, mais je ressens son absence.
EN) The city is buzzing. As I write this, the sun is pouring into the house. But the roar of the street does not stop: the cars pass, noisily, through my room. There is a man on the street talking on his cell phone. The street door opens and someone climbs the stairs. I hear screams. There are people running. A dog barks at another dog. Two cats laugh. Everything is noise, but I'm standing here in front of the photograph of these trees, these clouds, the river... thinking about Marta. We had only written briefly a couple of times. Analogue and black and white photography: trees, paths, portraits, flowers... I'm still learning to look through Marta's eyes. I look at myself in his mirror. In its mirror I see how life breathes, but I feel its absence.
Loose_Grip/Pete said:
Fred Fouarge said:
HelenaPF said:
HaarFager said:
Leon_Vienna said:
Great photographer, strong and friendly personality - so sad to hear you had to go!
Rest in Peace.