FB ad (scheduled)
(Don't mind that the ad is in English and a part of the context is German.
The German context is due to the fact that we were logged into FB via an Austrian IP address.)
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Taken on Tuesday June 8, 2021
Posted on Tuesday June 8, 2021
- 337 visits
- 10 people like
Jaap van 't Veen said:
uwschu said:
Bergfex replied to uwschu:
uwschu replied to Bergfex:
Be◉bachter said:
Da ich gegen Werbung allergisch bin (ich sehe prinzipiell kein Werbefernsehen oder private Sender und verbitte mir Werbung jedweder Art im Briefkasten) habe ich mich damit auch noch nie befasst.
Meine Aktivitäten (Bilder von Fahrrad- und Wandertouren) verlagern sich auch mehr und mehr auf Komoot ( www.komoot.de/user/schwupps )
Bergfex replied to Be◉bachter:
Was die Werbung betrifft: Wir dürfen dennoch dankbar sein, dass es FB gibt. Wie sonst sollten wir potenzielle Interessenten auf uns aufmerksam machen? Printwerbung in Fotozeitschriften ist unbezahlbar.
Au Cœur... diagonalh… said:
but I have experience about graphic communication
If you allow to express my mind :
the word "probably" tickles my mind triggering a doubt feeling
then I could suggest
instead of
Become a member of the probably largest non commercial online photo-club in the world
Become a member of the (to come with you) largest non commercial online photo-club* worldwide. ;-)
* packed with unique practical features for organizing your pictures and documents.
with the smiley at the end...
Also I don't understand
"member operated etc :
- is that a list of 3 items?
- does that refer to the guy shown in the pic?
and for the last line I would put more a " : " before "your online photo club" and not a minus sign NB on windows Alt + 0150 produces a –
and Alt + 0151 produces a — (longer one)
called a dash and not a minus sign like in self-esteem.
Last I have always considered that Ipernity favicon was evoking a minus sign, not very positive!
Wouldn't it be dead easy tu turn it into a "+" sign? or a multiply sign?
Tell me if it can help...
Have a nice day,
Au cœur.