
Winter’s miracle

The ‘Grim North’ transformed here on this cold winter’s day to a place of great beauty. This taken just at the end of Yeoman Hey reservoir towards the back of Greenfield reservoir in my local Saddleworth Dovestones area. As expected on this Saturday morning, a lot of walkers around, all dressed up in their warmest gear. This after a night of minus six centigrade or less here.

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Marije Aguillo said:

Puro invierno. Feliz domingo.
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Wonderful winter landscape.
8 weeks ago

David G Johnson said:

A lovely and well shot scene Herb,. and yes there are always dedicated walkers around,. (usually with a dog or two),. whatever the weather,..// Keep well and 'Best Wishes' to you,. from > Dj.

[ added to group ] Thanks,..
8 weeks ago

Herb Riddle replied to David G Johnson:

Good o see you here again David. This used to be a quiet bit of the world but nowadays it is always crowded. My dog is called Niki (short for Nikon!).

Keep safe. Herb
8 weeks ago

Nick Weall said:

Yes a very nice shot of a wonderful view with good light and snow
8 weeks ago

Herb Riddle replied to Nick Weall:

Always a good place to be in this weather Nick.

Best Wishes, Herb
8 weeks ago

Günter Klaus said:

Wenn nicht so viel Schnee ist,kann man sich noch sehr gut in diesen Landschaften bewegen lieber Herbert,eine schöne,winterliche Aussicht zeigst du :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Sonntag,liebe Grüße Güni :))
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Herb Riddle replied to Günter Klaus:

Yes, this depth was OK for walking but a lot of ice about and so not very easy to walk for us oldies. Very happy that you liked my walking area here.

Best Wishes, Herb
8 weeks ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Admirable paysage hivernal bien présenté et superbement rendu.
Bon et heureux dimanche paisible.
8 weeks ago ( translate )

TOZ said:

Super Image Herb in this winter's weather will have to get back to Dovestones some time.
Best Gordon
8 weeks ago

Herb Riddle replied to TOZ:

You will know that this area can be very beautiful, especially in weather like this. We were here for 09:30 taking advantage of the limited amount of good weather and the carpark was already almost full. On our return at 11.45 cars were turning around with nowhere to park. By 2pm the clouds had gathered. Sounds like another trip for us both together is due again.

Keep safe and warm. Herb
8 weeks ago

Günter Klaus replied to Herb Riddle:

Oh,diese eisigen Spuren sind auch nicht so fein zu gehen,wenn man immer auf den Boden muss schauen lieber Herbert :))
8 weeks ago ( translate )

Keith Burton said:

This would have been beautiful without the snow, but it has added another level to the shot.............and transformed the landscape into something really magical.

A cracking shot my friend..............beautifully composed and taken..!! ⭐️
8 weeks ago

Herb Riddle replied to Keith Burton:

Yes a great place to walk through which I have done many times. As you say, even better in such conditions as this day. Very happy that you enjoyed our walk and thanks for yet another star.

Best wishes as the snow quickly disappears now. Herb
8 weeks ago

Mireille Marignac-Vi… said:

Une image qui rayonne de beauté...
8 weeks ago ( translate )