
November frost at Dovestones

A trip out to my local reservoir area is always good, especially in this sort of weather and with a new camera. My faithful Nikon D7100 almost died a few weeks ago whilst in Canada, and so it was time to update.

Enjoy the rest of the day

ps Error: Camera shutter problem, possibly mechanism. Shutter count = 108,000. No surprise then!
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Jaap van 't Veen said:

Beautiful landscape image with the first signs of winter.
15 months ago

TOZ said:

Ha Herb new camera and a very nice photo from it you must have been of early this morning.
Have a good time with it.
15 months ago

Herb Riddle replied to TOZ:

Hi Toz, we arrived there at 09:45. The camera is virtually the same as my 7100 but sits a bit smaller in my hand. One big loss: no DoF preview. I had not bargained on that. It will also require a different tripod bracket because of the slight change in size etc. (but my old one will do at a pinch.) I look forward to giving it a hard life!
Anyway -glad you liked this familiar scene. I guess you would be out today too in the unusual bright frosty day.

Cheers. Herb
15 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

une superbe mise a jour pour une excellente prise de vue plongeante
bien enjolivée par de magnifique tapis neigeux.
Je vous souhaite beaucoup de plaisir avec votre nouvel appareil et un bon weekend apaisant.
15 months ago ( translate )

Keith Burton said:

It looks flipping' cold there Herb...........but also very beautiful, especially in that gorgeous sunlight!

A beautifully composed image with some lovely seasonal colour and the frost on the fields adds a nice wintery touch.

It seems you're going to have no trouble getting used to the new camera :-)
15 months ago

Herb Riddle replied to Keith Burton:

Thanks Keith. It was a bit nippy out there for sure. Glad you liked this shot from my local hunting ground. The colours were great and I had a good time with my new toy.

Best wishes. Herb
15 months ago

Colin Ashcroft said:

First use of a New camera with a familiar scene seems like a good test. I hope this one passes as it looks good to me. Best Wishes Colin
15 months ago

Herb Riddle replied to Colin Ashcroft:

Thanks Colin. I was undecided whether to start afresh with a completely new set-up even a different make but relented on a tried and trusted bit of kit, just a couple of models up. Almost identical and of course allowing me to use my full range of lenses etc. Time will tell me and perhaps others too whether I made the right decision . A rare day of cold sunshine here that I hope you made the most of too there across the hill. Glad you liked this.

Cheers, Herb
15 months ago

Steve Paxton said:

Herb I like the shot none the least to look of cool after already this far out to summer heat 3 days above 38C its refreshing to see you cool. No matter what you made the right move and in time it will feel like you always had the Camera no matter what we always tweek a camera to our liking not Nikons. Thankfully we still have cameras and why I own a camera to take photos of how I like the world and what is around me.
15 months ago

Annemarie said:

Happy serene Sunday
15 months ago ( translate )

David G Johnson said:

Herb'. !....Good to see again a fine view of your happy hunting grounds,,.. and the new camera too - Have a good Sunday youth, keep well and Good wishes too - from > Dj.
15 months ago