
Autumn landscapes with my granddaughters

Trip to Borak, my native village. In the background is the school I attended, and today there are no students.
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Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbes images !
Tes petites filles sont adorables !
Bon dimanche. Amitiés
20 months ago ( translate )

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

Das sind genau die schönen und besonderen Augenblicke, im dasein eines Opas (( : - ))
Tolle Bilder Petar!!
20 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

SUBLIME ce magnifique moment mémorisé.
Bon dimanche salutaire.
20 months ago ( translate )

Pearl said:

Moment agréable sur fond de joli paysage.
Merci pour les petits cœurs les filles.
20 months ago ( translate )

J.Garcia said:

The beautiful hills and landscape of Bosnia...
A very friendly and fun trio, Petar!
20 months ago

Gilbert H said:

Amour ! Bon regard ! Bonne soirée !
20 months ago ( translate )

Pierre Pasqualini said:

Sympathique et jolie série!...
20 months ago ( translate )

Peter Castell said:

Great images for your family albums Petar
20 months ago

Hélène Lombard said:

Belle photo vivante sur cette école au milieu de la campagne !!
20 months ago ( translate )

Jenny McIntyre said:

Kakva divna slika ovde Petar, tvojih unuka i kraja u kome si živeo. Škola izgleda prilično izolirana, nema kuća u blizini. Želim vama i vašoj porodici uspješnu sedmicu koja dolazi.
20 months ago ( translate )

J. Gafarot said:

Lovely images !!!!
19 months ago ( translate )

Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:

belle photo et souvenir*********************
19 months ago ( translate )

Jean Paul Capdeville said:

Adorable !!!
19 months ago ( translate )

sunlight said:

Ein sehr schönes Foto !
18 months ago ( translate )