
Gabriela Mistral & Gem Cluster

A shot I did with the coloured camera But never as detailed as this shot is . All the winds in space the help for the Wisps in the shot. This was a trial to see does more time equal more detail. This is some 42 hours shot time over 7 nights. Looking at this shot you would have to say like me yes it does equal more detail.

If you look at the Coloured camera shot not a patch on the detail captured in Narrow band.

NDC3324 Gabriela Mistral.


You can see the profile on the center nebula

QHY268M -10c 100 Odd shots 5 min each filter over 7 nights .. 30 shots each RGB 1 min exposure.
QHYCFW3 and 7 Antlia filters LRGBSHaO
MeLE Mini PC
Pegasus Astro Pocket Mini power box
Starpoint Australis SP3 Focuser Rotated 90 degrees
Skywatcher F4 Aplanatic Coma Corrector
Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro Hypertuned
SVbony 50MM Guide scope
QHY5L-II-M Guide camera
Guided PHD2, Nina
Pixinsight, Ps, Lr
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Chris Bowness said:

42 hours is incredible, but then, so is the image. Well done Steve.
7 days ago

Steve Paxton replied to Chris Bowness:

its was kind of a trial where do you stop collecting data to get a good quality image, this is made up of 178 Ha, 135 Oiii and 163 Sii shots so you can see an investment in time... Glad you like the image.
6 days ago

Peter Castell said:

A superb capture Steve above the Little Gem Cluster there is a brown coloured circle is that also a fixed thing, if you go very large a few of the stars are red is that their colour or something to do with the photo
7 days ago

Steve Paxton replied to Peter Castell:

Peter You are looking at a Dark nebula that is the fine ring does show up in the coloured version but was prominent from the start in the NB image... I had to work out what was the ring, the more shot I added the greater the details showed up. The small DARK Hens foot that is next to the Blue Gabriela Mistral got better and better and sharper in detail the more was added to the total shot.

Stars are RGB so are 100% natural colour they are not all white there is Red and Blue stars all to do with there temperature.


This may be of interest to you a good read you would not like the NB stars a very horrid pink/magenta colour not natural looking at all. This is why there is also RGB stars taken at the same time to bring true coloured stars... space is a fascinating place.
6 days ago

William Sutherland said:

Remarkable shots!
6 days ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to William Sutherland:

Thank you I have the original so I can see it for real.
6 days ago

tiabunna said:

Great work once again, Steve. This really does look far more impressive viewed large.
6 days ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to tiabunna:

George the bigger the better and that is not just a catch cry, detail is superb. In many ways I am looking at things for the very first time seen here.
6 days ago

Herb Riddle said:

Another great image from you Steve. 42 hours for one picture is incredible going but as you say yourself, the results are worth it as shown here. A just reward for all the effort you put in.

Our Universe is certainly a colourful place as you demonstrate here. Very well done.

6 days ago

Steve Paxton replied to Herb Riddle:

The trial proves that between 30 - 40 hours data you do get a very good quality image, I am sure that there would be point not much past this you would get very few benefits. Rather a set of diminishing returns for the hours put in. This gives me a bench mark to aim for as something to work to. Glad you like the shot, I have been shut down by the left over clouds from the Cyclone that hit the port Hedland area a few days ago. Not sure we get any rain but mostly left over clouds.

Who ever would want to be a photographer of space with all the earths clouds..... they would have to be nuts?????????????
6 days ago

Annemarie said:

impressive also this
4 days ago

Steve Paxton replied to Annemarie:

Thank you the camera is certainly delivering the goods.
4 days ago

Diana Australis said:

Unbelievable. Amazing, Steve
4 days ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to Diana Australis:

You get to see the affects of the solar winds in space and how it affects some of the nebulas. Its has been quite amazing to see the detail this camera picks up even for some one city bound. Many thanks, I a clouded in after effects of the Cyclone that hit Port Hedland area so cooling my heels and catching up.
4 days ago

*ઇଓ* said:

The depth and beauty of the universe is indescribable, and the space photos you show here are simply breathtaking.
Thank you so much for sharing, Steve!
4 days ago