
The Rock

I had to buy a new lens for night work as my old one has decentered. This is first try with the lens . I think the lens is better suited on my old D600 24M pixels than the D810 35M pixels as the pixels are very close and very small. The D600 I should be able to increase time with far less movement in the stars across the pixels of the camera as they are bigger.....

I would rather get the time above 10 sec than around 8 sec and less stars trailing . This is pure trial work out under the stars while the photo detail is good the stars at the edges are very slightly trailed to get that fixed is drop the exposure time to 5 sec or go to Bigger pixel size so less movement between pixels.
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William Sutherland said:

Excellent work!
7 weeks ago ( translate )

Steve Paxton replied to William Sutherland:

Thank you part of my night life.
7 weeks ago

tiabunna said:

A great night image, Steve. On first glance at the thumbnail I thought you'd taken a night shot of a radio-telescope!
7 weeks ago

Steve Paxton replied to tiabunna:

The rock certainly has the size when you stand next to it. I think the lens will fit in well with me.
7 weeks ago

TOZ said:

It's a super image Steve .
Have a happy New Year.
7 weeks ago

Steve Paxton replied to TOZ:

Thank you I do know my pre trials I was right the D600 came out much better as I was able to lift the time to 13 sec. I look forward to a night out in the dark. I hope that every one has a good year as well I do look forward to 2025.
7 weeks ago