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Nicolas Mertens said:
Daniela Brocca replied to Nicolas Mertens:
©UdoSm said:
Daniela Brocca said:
Gudrun replied to Daniela Brocca:
Daniela Brocca replied to Gudrun:
ROL/Photo said:
Daniela Brocca replied to ROL/Photo:
Nicolas Mertens said:
Daniela Brocca replied to Nicolas Mertens:
©UdoSm said:
Liebe Grüße Udo
Daniela Brocca said:
Gudrun replied to Daniela Brocca:
Daniela Brocca replied to Gudrun:
ROL/Photo said:
J'espère que tu te portes bien, que la santé est avec toi et que
tu fais attention à toi..
bien amicalement/roland
Daniela Brocca replied to ROL/Photo: