
Rosie & beaver works

A pair of beavers has been visiting one of my ponds and cutting down small trees. Rosie is visiting their work site.
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Keith Burton said:

It looks like the beavers have been hard at work. I doubt they'll come out when Rosie is around though! Nicely captured Ronald.
11 months ago

Ronald Losure replied to Keith Burton:

I saw two beavers from the opposite side of the pond a couple of days ago. I think they spend most of their time at my neighbor's pond a few hundred yards/meters north of mine. They have just started cutting down trees around my pond recently.
11 months ago

Ronald Losure replied to Keith Burton:

I think you're right, Keith. Beavers are usually rather shy. I did see them on the opposite shore a week or so ago, but they disappeared almost immediately.
11 months ago

Keith Burton replied to Ronald Losure:

Nevertheless, it must be great to know they're about.........and to get a glimpse of them occasionally.

They used to be extinct in the Uk but over the past few years they've been re-introduced in a few selected areas. Apparently they seem to be doing quite well, although it will be a few years yet before they fully establish themselves.

Sadly none near me.....yet!
11 months ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Magnifique et admirable prise avec Rosie en première page.je trouve que la présence des animaux,castors ou autres servent toujours à quelque chose cest pour cela que la biodiversité nécessite. Je serais très heureux pour ma part d'avoir des castors malheureusement je n'ai pas d'étang..Excellent partage.
Bon week-end salutaire.
11 months ago ( translate )

Ronald Losure replied to Malik Raoulda:

Je suis heureux de les avoir ici, même s’ils peuvent beaucoup changer le paysage.
11 months ago ( translate )