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Xata said:
Ghislaine replied to Xata:
Typo93 said:
Ghislaine replied to Typo93:
Anji. said:
Ghislaine replied to Anji.:
Annemarie said:
Ghislaine replied to Annemarie:
Jan said:
Ghislaine replied to Jan:
DOMCHO said:
Ghislaine replied to DOMCHO:
Sami Serola (inactiv… said:
Julien Rappaport said:
Ghislaine replied to Julien Rappaport:
Xata said:
Ghislaine replied to Xata:
...mais je n'empêche personne d'adhérer à ce concept !
Typo93 said:
Pour l'efficacité, faut voir...
Ghislaine replied to Typo93:
Anji. said:
Ghislaine replied to Anji.:
Annemarie said:
Ghislaine replied to Annemarie:
Jan said:
I’d like a vaccine but maybe not this one
Ghislaine replied to Jan:
ce serait dommage de rater un telle opportunité !
DOMCHO said:
Ghislaine replied to DOMCHO:
Sami Serola (inactiv… said:
Julien Rappaport said:
Ghislaine replied to Julien Rappaport:
la petite apprentie chimiste appliquée, popote maison : Ariane* 6 version enrichie...!