Gosh, there are many "hides" where you live--I don't know if I've ever seen one here, to be honest. I know they're around, I just haven't seen any! (Maybe because they're ... HIDING! HAR HAR HAR!! :D)
Nice composition here and I really like the hide, it's really fun looking!
Ernst Doro said:
Ecobird said:
Roger (Grisly) said:
HFF and a great weekend
Janet Brien said:
Nice composition here and I really like the hide, it's really fun looking!
Tanja - Loughcrew said:
drüber zu levitieren :))))
cp_u said:
Dida From Augsburg said:
Sami Serola (inactiv… said:
And happy hunting! =D
Maybe with camera only though(?) ;-)
Gudrun said:
HFF, Markus!
aNNa schramm said:
Leon_Vienna said:
Annemarie said:
* ઇଓ * said:
HFF and a happy weekend! :)
Karl Hartwig Schütz said:
Berny said:
HFF, Markus!