I saw at least two of these flitting around the local churchyard, and spent some time waiting for one to land near enough to get a photo.
Please excuse my lack of visiting or commenting on your photos. We had a severe electric storm with lots of rain and high winds on Monday late evening. Climbing roses have been blown down from fences, flowers are now sodden and turning brown, and the garden has turned into a disaster area. I have so much tying in and dead heading to do now. It's going to take 3or 4 days to get it all looking reasonable again.
The PIP shows two roses in a small part of the garden. The main rose is highly scented and is called Penelope. The rose behind that is Rosa × odorata 'Mutabilis'. This is what it looked like about a week ago and up until Monday evening.
©UdoSm said:
Joe, Son of the Rock said:
Nick Weall said:
Keith Burton said:
I love the roses in your PiP to............they're gorgeous.
So sorry to hear about the damage to your garden...........but I'm sure you'll have it sorted in no time at all. It sounds like you're in for some hard work though :)
Xata said:
uwschu said:
Rosalyn Hilborne said:
Loose_Grip/Pete said:
We needed rain but not such a severe downpour !!
Dominique Sarrazin said:
Pam J said:
Gudrun said:
I hope you have made progress with your garden:-)
I'm afraid thundestorms will happen more often and will be more severe. We had one - very localized- which lasted only one hour but led to flooding in the city centre and in our house the Vodafone router got hit by lightning- the bang made my jump!
Ecobird said:
Edna Edenkoben said: