
Santa's beard is missing. hFF to you all

Researchers say wool could replace plastic rope in seaweed farms.


Could this be a breakthrough, changing from plastic rope to a far more environmentally friendly solution.
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Karl Hartwig Schütz said:

:-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) HFF Dir
2 years ago ( translate )

Loose_Grip/Pete said:

Hopefully Santa wasn't dragged through that fence backwards....
HFF Amelia & have a great w/e.
2 years ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Excellent close up and Santa must be early this year,
HFF and great weekend
2 years ago

Nick Weall said:

I wondered where I might have lost it dear LGM ~~~ HFF & Enjoy your weekend ~~~
2 years ago

David G Johnson said:

Ha ha - and great ! title there Amelia - have a good weekend - and a HFF to you from > Dj.
2 years ago

Jocelyne Villoing said:

HFF Amelia.
2 years ago ( translate )

Gudrun said:

As a photo it is fantastic!
So true, we could use much less plastic but the will doesn't seem to be there. You'd need a legal framework that would make it much more expensive to use plastic, only then industry would have an incentive...

hFF and a good weekend, Amelia!
2 years ago

Daniela Brocca said:

Are you walking in the country in search of Santa's beard, Amelia ?:-))
2 years ago

Ecobird said:

Oh dear! Poor Santa, so he may need to wear a false beard this year then?!! :-)))
Great find - and I love the title!
HFF and have a good weekend Amelia
2 years ago

Edna Edenkoben said:

Well, Santa's beard has been found in the meantime as we can see. But Santa himself seems to be missing ;-)))

HFF, Amelia!
2 years ago

Keith Burton said:

Ha, ha............a great title Amelia and a lovely close up shot of Santa's beard!
2 years ago

trester88 said:

Toller Titel, Amelia! Mein Bart ist noch dran ;-))
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende!
2 years ago ( translate )

Bergfex said:

HFF Amelia - and a nice weekend!
2 years ago ( translate )

Ulrich John said:

HFF, Amelia !
2 years ago ( translate )

Xata said:

Maybe it could, but so much more to do… nevertheless all counts.
Love the title !
HFF Amelia
2 years ago