Can't wait to tell you some good news...

Hello friends,

As some of you have seen, ipernity was under maintenance for 8 hours yesterday. This was the longest maintenance we ever had to do.

So what happened?... we renamed all you files. As you may have noticed the document urls are now different. Isn't that cool? ;)

Let me tell you why :

  1. You now can link the originals inside and outside ipernity - before it was a non permanent/time limited link.
  2. We changed the sharpenning algorithm to make it smoother. Older photo thumbnails will be automatically regenerated in a few days.
  3. We changed the video convertion algorithm and we're now ready for HD. We now only need a flash HD ready player.
  4. You will soon be able to change music/video covers to what you want. No more audio icons or sometimes poor thumbnails extracted from video keyframes.
  5. You will soon be able to add a watermark automatically on your photos.

So the files urls changed, but what about older links? Do not worry about this, we will keep older urls working.

What is the benefit of having permanent link to the originals? You now can host animated gifs or zipfiles. We know this feature may cost us a lot (in bandwidth) but we think it's something some of you will really appreciate.

That's it for today. More will come on the team's blog on monday.

Wish you all a great sunny sunday ;)



Arne said:

That's great news, thanks for the explanation!

16 years ago

gin_able said:

good news! you're busy as a bee....
16 years ago

Roberto Ballerini -… said:

Bravo! J'attends l'API ou la stabilisations des XPath avent de corriger le GM scripts...
16 years ago ( translate )

Christophe Ruelle replied to Roberto Ballerini -…:

Ok Roberto. Je pense qu'ipernity va encore bouger un peu quelques temps. Ensuite on fera en sorte de ne plus trop modifier le code des pages. On essaie de respecter le travail des autres, c'est aussi pourquoi on espère sortir une version presque définitive de l'API - qui ne changera pas trop. Pour les scripts GM c'est pareil. On fera le point bientot pour que cela se passe au mieux lors de probable futurs changements.
16 years ago ( translate )

大青森 said:

Um... why do my pictures appear in a different order since this morning?
16 years ago

大青森 replied to 大青森:

Reply to myself: I just changed the upload date of the picture in question, making it appear at the correct position again. Don't know how this happend.
16 years ago

大青森 said:

uhm. now "latest docs from your network" shows not the latest, but pictures from the last week... :o
16 years ago