This post is a reply to one by Sarah (AKA Half_Jack, AKA Hija de Rebujito) who challenged a number of Ipernitians to tell ten facts about themselves. I have no possibility of filming myself (thank God for that!), so unfortunately you’ll have to do with some text and a few new or unknown pictures. F…
16 years ago / 5 075 visits / 15 comments / 2 people like
Ipernity’s Geotagging feature employs Google maps and is clearly superior to ... what we were used to. The hybrid mode, especially, makes identifying motifs a lot easier, and you’ll be able to differentiate between objects which, in real life, are only a few yards apart. Unfortunately, that’s not a…
17 years ago / 1 771 visits / 11 comments
Yesterday, using the “Contact us/Report bugs” link at the bottom of every Ipernity screen, I sent a mail to Support and asked for extra bandwidth so as to be able to transfer all of my Flickr pictures to this place. Only a short while later, Christophe of the Ipernity team notified me that my reques…
17 years ago / 1 134 visits
I had a nightmare, last night. I was signing up to Flickr, and Flickr was called “Flickr beta”. I shook my head. Looking again, I saw the name had changed to “Flickr gamma”. I closed my eyes with confusion, and when I opened them there was yet another change: “Flickr loves you”. Then I finally woke…
17 years ago / 866 visits / 2 comments
So this is where we meet again. I won’t give up Flickr entirely: one has certain obligations, mainly to the AlphaSmart group (, but also to the three people who told me they like the Icking pictures ( I’ll hardly renew my Pro account,…
17 years ago / 801 visits / 6 comments