A new life - DBS (deep brain stimulation)
To all my friends and visitors who gave me reflections, words of sympathy, encoraging remarks, warm words of understanding and who gave me theyr thoughts and good wishes: Thank You all! I just started to have a new life!

Since 2006 I have been living with the diagnosis: Morbus Parkinson
Thanks the developement of pharmacy I was able to live my life in MY Way - somehow restricted, but full of activity!.......... no more hard climbing - but still walking around in the mountains or biking through fields and woods, admiring the wonders of nature; no more parties through over the whole night, but still hosting guests and appreciating evening-invitations, concerts and exhibitions ............... until the beginning of 2013.
A couples of month ago all this had an end: the time, my pills where effective, became shorter and shorter, after two hours or less I used to be quite stiff, and even laying in my bed, to turn my body from one side to the other sometimes became a hard challenge.
I knew, something must happen, a life like this, I would not tolerate for a long time!
I knew, there was another chance - a chance full of risks, but my last one:
DBS = Deep brain stimulation.

It was a hard decision, a time full of doubts and fears until I underwent this 8 hours lasting, sophisticated, highly technological intervention.

Since Yesterday I know. the system is working like it should. My neurosurgeon here in Vienna and his team did a great work! I can use my muscles, move my body without dependency to drugs and this condition will stay the same for Years now.
How long? Nobody knows exactly, for my disease is not healed, it will get worse anyway.
But: the quality of my life has increased enormously and wheather I have got two years or fifteen - I take them as a precious gift - I will use them and I will enjoy them!


Schussentäler said:

Es freut mich zu hören, dass die Behandlung ein Erfolg war. Ich wünsche Dir, dass dieser Erfolg noch ganz viele Jahre anhält und Du Deinen schönen Hobbies nachgehen kannst.
Ganz liebe Grüße vom Bodensee

11 years ago ( translate )

tigermaus replied to Schussentäler:

Danke Dir sehr, Reinhard! Momentan bin ich noch recht erschöpft, aber ich hoffe doch, noch ein paar schöne Bilder zu " unserer" Bergesammung beitragen zu können!
liebe Grüße aus WIen
11 years ago ( translate )

.t.a.o.n. said:

klasse ! geduld und kraft wünsch ich dir !
11 years ago ( translate )

tigermaus replied to .t.a.o.n.:

Danke DIr herzlich, lieber Robert!
10 years ago ( translate )

Chrissy said:

Da ich noch nicht lange dabei bin, las ich den Artikel, bevor ich eines Deiner Fotos angeschaut habe. Das hole ich aber jetzt nach.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch auf jeden Fall zu dem mutigen Entschluss und vor allem auch, dass es geklappt hat. Ich drücke die Daumen, dass es lange lange gut bleibt. Liebe Grüße, Chrissy
10 years ago ( translate )