On fire
Yesterday an apocalyptic bushfire was very close to us. My husband was out with several hundred other volunteer firefighters in temperatures of 44C, and I was preparing to evacuate our home. It was a terrifying day. Many people did lose everything.
Australia is currently on fire, and has unprecedented heat. We just had 4 days above 44C here in South Australia. Our Australian government denies climate change and has no plans to deal with this warming climate and fire risk, relying on thousands of volunteer fire fighters who risk their lives.
If I am not present too much for a while, please excuse me! Realities of life can interrupt pleasure sometimes.

best wishes

Diana xx


Special K said:

I am following the news from Australia here in Germany and I am feeling totally devastated to see your beautiful country burn, not to mention the people who lose their homes or even lives and the fauna and flora being destroyed!
I had planned to go on holidays to Australia again in March next year, but I have unhappily dismissed the idea by now. So sad, but it's no use!
All the best to you and your family in these hard times, hope you can celebrate Christmas somehow lightheartedly anyway.
Kind regards, Karin
5 years ago

Diana Australis replied to Special K:

Thanks Karin. It is embarrassing to be Aussie. The government is hopeless. And the firefighting is hideous. My husband, who is 68, did 14 hours in 44 degree heat, in thick protective clothing, fighting fires yesterday. He was exhausted, and starving when he arrived home.
So sorry you have been put off...but I have too. I am devastated at the changes in weather/climate that the last 20 years have brought to this country. The government merely dugs up new coal and loves fracking and oil drilling....all 3 activities in sensitive environments (Barrier Reef) etc.
Best wishes to you too, Karin. Much appreciated. I hope you and your loved ones have a terrific Christmas and New Year

5 years ago

Amelia said:

We are following the state of the Australian bush fires here in the UK, and it all looks terrifying. The firefighters are so brave yet cannot seem to stop the spread of the fire, and battle constantly with the fierce heat and the wind. Your politicians don't seem to understand the seriousness of the situation.
Please take care, and try to enjoy the festive season as much as you can. Our thoughts are with all the inhabitants of Australia.
5 years ago

Diana Australis said:

Your thoughts and wishes are very welcome, Amelia. It is the worst I can remember. All our firefighters are volunteers who take time off work..often without pay, or by using annual leave. Or they are retired, like my husband John, who at 68 is often with a veritable Dad’s Army in 40plus degrees, dressed in thick protective clothing, out fighting flames for up to 14 hours with no meal breaks. Our government is useless.

Anyway, hope you have a fab Christmas with your loved ones..
Diana xxxx
5 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Hope you are and will be safe for these devastating bush fires.
Wishing you all the best and if possible a Merry Christmas.

5 years ago

Diana Australis replied to Jaap van 't Veen:

Thanks Jaap. Very much appreciated!
Very best wishes for Christmas!
Diana xxx
5 years ago ( translate )

Marja Savonije said:

It is horrible what is happening in Australia, I follow it every day and I look with disbelief at the terrible videos and photos. I hope everything will turn out well for you, and you will stay safe. Thinking of you, best wishes from Holland, Marja.
5 years ago

Diana Australis replied to Marja Savonije:

So much appreciated, dear Maria. We are safe, but the fires still burn everywhere. It is like the fires of Hell!
Very best wishes to you and your loved ones for Christmas and for 2020

5 years ago

tiabunna said:

Sorry, Diane, I'd missed your article until now. Yes, I fully agree with your comments - don't start me on our current government and PM! I hope your travels have gone well. Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas with your family. George XXX
5 years ago

Diana Australis replied to tiabunna:

Anything I say about the present government is likely to be a mass of expletives !
All the sincerest best wishes to you, Pauline and family for a warm and loving Christmas and a healthy new year! ❤️
Diana xxx
5 years ago

GrahamH said:

Hullo Diana. Bushfire fighting was hard enough work in the first half of my 30s. I'm glad I don't have to do it now, even if it would be only working the taps on the tanker, being of similar age to you and yours. Serious congrats to your husband.
5 years ago

Diana Australis replied to GrahamH:

Thanks Graham...sometimes I think some of our brigades start to look like Dad’s army!
It is seriously unnerving...❤️
5 years ago

Old Owl said:

I have just seen your article, Diana, and have just read about the devastation in the Adelaide Hills. Good luck to you and big props to your husband. In my part of WA (currently on the coastal plain) there is little to burn, thank the Lord, but as we travel from here to the Wheatbelt through the Perth Hills we often worry. I cannot but agree with you about our government and pathetic excuse for a Prime Minister. If he is an example of an evangelical Christian then I think I will stick with being humanist. Lots of love and best wishes for Christmas.
5 years ago

Diana Australis replied to Old Owl:

I will happily stay humanist too...don’t get me started on Scomo...or Smoko...
There were so far 87 houses, vineyards, farms, animals...lost in the Adelaide Hills fire and it is still being fought 7 days later. We drove to Canberra for Christmas....through dense smoke all the way through NSW. If I were a Christian I would be worrying about the Apocalypse...but hey, Scomo is waiting for The Rapture so he is not worried.
5 years ago

©UdoSm said:

Hi Diana, I wish you all the best and hopefully you will survive this disaster unscathed…
Best Greetings, Udo
5 years ago