Why have groups
I and a Majority of Members of Ipernity want the right to link back to where I saw an image in any optional form set out by a group. As said before what is the point of having ipernity groups at all if there is a continued ban on linking back to a group. ( for those who don’t want a link back they can chose there settings to avoid how comments appear on their page)
A continued lack or resolve of this issue has so far led to so many groups closing and many members leaving Ipernity. It is my opinion that if you do not address this issue finally and immediately many more will exit ipernity.
The reason is simple. No link back to where image was viewed equals a useless point to posting images to groups.
Regards Tess


Dave Hilditch said:

A.very good question, Tess. Unfortunately I don't have the answer.
11 years ago

Annemarie said:

Mainly I agree Tess
groups are for sharing, and I personally when I post in groups ALWAYS choose 1-2 images and comment them ( with or without link, does not matter.....)
if everyone who post would do the same, the harm could be avoided.......and posting in groups has sense

11 years ago

Treasa Ui Cionaodha said:

Thanks Dave Sharon Michel Annemarie. I Appreciate your imput Hugs Tess.
11 years ago

Treasa Ui Cionaodha said:

" a small, censor happy site on life suppor" Well said Pheanix.
That would be incredible and would be and the end result of the IP site. I cant understand why by now ( although by their own promise 28/2/14) they have not come out with their final decision..
They have so lost groups and members that shall never return. And if their decision continues to ban any link back such as "seen in" or "admired in" ect. Then that should tip the balance of those yet to decide including myself. I am just waiting for their final decision to see how it goes for me.
Regards Tess
11 years ago

Treasa Ui Cionaodha said:

Hi John
I have to say I have no problem in how people chose to set their setting if they don't want to receive Graphic images. My problem is with IP deciding I can't even with my setting allowing graphic awards telling me that I cannot receive them or post graphic awards to people who's setting allow for these comments.
Hugs Tess
11 years ago

Treasa Ui Cionaodha replied to :

Hi Mikmas 101
Bang on and I agree with all you said 100 %.
IP have indeed failed to date to resolve the issues that concern the majority and failed miserably. Regards Tess
11 years ago

Valfal said:

This whole situation is so very sad and unnecessary! When I first came to ipernity back in May, it was like a breath of fresh air, if a bit quieter than the other place. I was so hoping that the other place would shoot themselves in the foot so more of my friends would migrate here. Never did I think that just the opposite would be happening!

Is this a case of misunderstanding, or is it an attempt to chase all Flickr ex-pats away through the use of nonsensical restrictions? I do hope it is not the latter.
11 years ago

Valfal replied to :

After checking, you are right, at least some of the ring leaders are from Flickr. It may explain the relatively confusing response from the IP team. IP may not do much more to intercede in this squabble. I think they are hoping the problem goes away along with the participating members who left here recently.
11 years ago

Treasa Ui Cionaodha said:

Thank you all for your input and support you have shown here. I really appreciate everyone's input. Regards Tess.
11 years ago

Treasa Ui Cionaodha said:

This message was read 39 hours ago.
IP says "This message is a private correspondence. We do not authorize you to divulge it". Ergo I cannot show you the actual response. But you can guess by my point by point reply what the content of the message contained in part.
When you finish reading it note the end result of my reply ( Lea obviously did not like it) Lea closed this Ticket. Moral of the story Don't dare to have your say OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday March 6, 2014 at 10:45AMTess Mc Kenna says:

Ticket #29055
Hi Lea
Thank you for your response however I was not pleased with the below issues you raised therein.

Ip's promise to all members as stated below
"Please note that these improvements are in the process of being developed and will be available in a fortnight. We will announce it on this blog.
Catch you soon,
The ipernity Team"

1) Please Note the above is where IP team set out time frame for the introduction of a solution to resolve the ongoing current issue This was ( as I understand) for all members of IP and not for just for me.
I object to you personalizing and suggesting when you said you quote "I'm really sorry to not be fast enough for you." ( In effect Suggesting that is it is only me awaiting your resolve).

2) You said? “Could you please realize that we have other users with requests different from yours” I really object to your inference that I have no realization of how many other issues IP have outstanding to resolve. I have never referred to this subject. But you did introduced the subject when you said “Please note that it was in some of your replies you said (and the IP team) promised that the current issue was a matter of Priority ( I assume you meant IP intended make this issue the first to be solved before all other outstanding issues)
3) I said “Still waiting for your promised improvement” .You said “If you can't be patient, you may be disappointed” Regards,lea I never referred to my lack of patients.

Lastly (and it’s just an idea on my part). If IP had acknowledged the time frame for resolving the issues raised in the current blog was behind schedule and suggested a projection of a new time frame it would be a helpful piece of information.
Regards Tess
This message was read 21 hours ago.

Lea thanked me for my message and the time I spent to help us (IP). Said my remarks were noted and said she would keep me informed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?????????????????
11 years ago

Valfal replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodha:

Like I replied to mikmas101 above, I think the IP team is hoping the problem goes away by itself.
11 years ago

Treasa Ui Cionaodha said:

Agree 100 % They can hope all they want but they are mistaken. Today added what I think is the reason why ????? In their recent Blog Thanks Valfal Regards Tess
11 years ago