3 May 2024 - Club News

Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Summary of the General Assembly of Members.
We thank all of you who attended the online meeting. Please refer to the separate article: 2024 IGA Report. We have a plan to simplify the voting process, without the need for emails with links to each PollUnit, while still having a secure voting system.

2) Meeting in the real world.
Last weekend, numerous ipernity members went to Hamburg to meet face to face.
See Hamburg 2024 group. With a few interruptions, this meeting has been held annually since 2012. We really applaud such initiatives and thank the organisers for their dedication.

3) Ambassador pictures anniversary.
The IPERNITY - Ambassador Images group has just had its third anniversary and is really quite successful. Andreas (Arlequin Photographie) deserves our thanks for the initiative behind its creation. It is from this group that the random selection is made for the Explore -> Noteworthy option. Thank you Andreas!

4) Restoration of the delivery of summary reports.
With the expertise of Ralph (RCW.) we have finally been able to resolve this long standing technical issue. Namely that the daily or weekly activity reports were not being delivered. You should check Your account settings for the frequency at which you want to 'Receive a digest by email'. By the time of posting this Club News, even those of you with a setting of 'weekly' should have received a report. If not, and you have checked your spam folder, please let us know by sending a ticket via 'Help & Contact'.

This also solves the problem of not receiving the email to verify the address when registering a new account, or when needing to change to a new email address. The 'Forgotten password' is another feature that is returned to working order.

5) An option for group administrators.
A group icon visualises the group's theme and makes it quickly identifiable. Creating a meaningful icon for your group is sometimes a tricky challenge. With the help of the new AI generators such as Dall-E3, this task can be accomplished with relative ease. In addition, there are completely new possibilities for designing the banner.

Making your group's appearance as appealing as possible is beneficial for the promotion of the group to visitors, while it is also good for current members.

Your ima team.


Jaap van 't Veen said:

Dank u voor de update.
7 months ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

ik had er ook bij willen zijn ,,maar wel met twee benen--die had ik wel nog in de tijd van panoramio--waar ik dan ook vaker erbij was tot en met 2016
7 months ago ( translate )

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

Vielen Dank!!!
Hoffe ich schaffe es auch mal dabei zu sein.
Step bei Step der Gesundheit wegen.
Ich Grüsse alle IP GFreunde!!
7 months ago ( translate )

StoneRoad2013 said:

Thanks for all the hard work ..
It is much appreciated.
7 months ago

Daniela said:

Nous sommes tous très attachés à IPERNITY
Et tout ce travail mérite un...❤️ ******
7 months ago ( translate )

ROL/Photo said:

Bravo pour tous ces jeunes .....
Amitiés à vous tous /rOl
7 months ago ( translate )

menonfire said:

Hamburg 2024 ... dem Dank an die Organisatoren kann ich mich nur anschließen und natürlich schon Vorfreude auf 2025 versprühen. Es ist schön in stürmischen Zeiten eine feste Konstante zuhaben und Dank dieser Plattform mit interessanten Menschen sein Hobby teilen zu können.
7 months ago ( translate )

Krisonteme said:

Pendant plusieurs années nous avons fait la même chose , hélas trop de membres ont disparu Mais j’en garde un souvenir ému
7 months ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

J'aime beaucoup cette initiative de rencontre en personne a Hambourg
. Les photos de de cette rencontre et de ce rassemblement sont vraiment sublimes.
7 months ago ( translate )

Guydel said:

Merci pour tout le travail accompli ! Sincères amitiés à tous les membres de tous les staffs qui ont oeuvré aux progrès constants d' Ipernity !
7 months ago ( translate )

J Pierre said:

Merci à tous les membres actifs et au bureau.
7 months ago ( translate )

Saj Henderson said:

Thank you for all that you do to keep our site robust, functional and fun. The photo of group members was a real bonus.
7 months ago

natur' ELLE said:

merci à tous ceux qui travaillent sur le site IPERNITY bravo ! bien à vous !toutes mes amitiés
7 months ago ( translate )

ROL/Photo said:

Un GRAND merci à vous tOUS
7 months ago ( translate )

Bergfex said:

As the administrator of the group "Ambassador Images", I would like to note here that the editorial team has made its selection from the images submitted for the month of April:

Ambassador Images 2024, April

As this group is linked to from the main menu of our website [Explore / Noteworthy], it is part of the public relations work for our club. Thanks to all contributors.

Please note: The images shown in [Explore / Noteworthy] are presented in a random order. You can find the chronological order in the group "Ambassador Images".
6 months ago