Resolved: PayPal 'Complete-Purchase' Button not working
Apparently it is PayPal and not ipernity.
A message from PayPal to another site operator includes, "our engineers are investigating this problem".
Please delay your renewal until the blue banner message is changed to signal the ok.

If your membership is going to end within a day, then the Donate link in the footer of ipernity pages does enable a payment to be made.
It may force you to input the amount in euros, for 1 year standard this is €49.90, and for 6 months it is €24.95
If you use this method, then please send us a help ticket with the transaction id.


Walfisch said:

It doesn't work, with or without donate button.
20 months ago

Team said:

Possible misunderstanding, so the instructions were edited to clarify a link in the ipernity footer.

And this ipermail sent, yet to be read after 33 hours.
We've noted your comment about difficulty renewing your Club membership, even using the donate button.

We have had success from 2 different countries making a donation to ipernity, though mine failed one time, but when I tried a second time about 10 minutes later it worked.

I recommend trying again. If you have a paypal account, be sure to login before attempting the donation.

To be clear: Please use the link at the bottom of our ipernity page labeled 'Donate' - do not go through your account renwal page.

Please let us know if it works or not, as we appreciate your membership and will help you further if need be.
Also, other sites are reporting the same problem from their users, and tech support have been informed.

I do not understand their failure yet to correct the problem after several days.
20 months ago

Xata said:

Still the same last night, will try again tonight... acn't find anything about this issue on the web
19 months ago

ROL/Photo said:

Et................voilà... le problème recommence cette année à nouveau avec PayPal,
j'ai été victime de ce type d'incident l'année dernière et j'ai du faire des pieds et des mains
pour pouvoir être réabonné...., je n'en ferai plus autant si cela devait m'arriver..!
19 months ago ( translate )

Team replied to ROL/Photo:

Paypal fixed their issue, so you should be able to renew now via paypal. If you ever have problems with that method, you can always do a bank transfer. I would hope that you would reach out to the team if you run into difficulties, as we are more than willing to help find a solution.
19 months ago

Edna Edenkoben said:

My renewal is due on July 5th, so I tried it just now (once again after an unsuccessful attempt a few days ago) and lo and behold! It WORKED!! Firefox browser version 114.0.2.
19 months ago

Xata said:

Done too and it worked, I am on macOS Monterey version 12.6.7
19 months ago

Edna Edenkoben replied to Xata:

Yeah! It's working again and hopefully for everybody, regardless the OS and the browser :-)
19 months ago

Xata replied to :

Browser is Safari, last version update, forgot to mention above…
19 months ago

Edna Edenkoben replied to :

So that makes two different browsers already. Chances are good that things might work again now with any browser. Let's hope so.
19 months ago

Fred Fouarge said:

betalen etc etc kan toch ook nog via overmaking via
Iban; Fr 76 1820 6003 9365 0390 3567 159
associaton des membres d' ipernity of niet?
19 months ago ( translate )

Team replied to Fred Fouarge:

Yes. Bank transfers can still be made (and that is the correct number - which can always be found by clicking the credit agricole symbol on the renwal options page).

The team prefers if someone can use paypal instead as we have high fees with bank transfers, but bank transfers are certainly an option that can be used.
19 months ago

Sarah O' said:

Dear Ipermity Team... I tried UNsuccessfully to pay my dues to you just this morning,,,11 - 1- 23 and never got it done. what must I do... I want to pay for a year and was unable to complete the action :((((( ????? Sarah O
15 months ago